*Vanakkam Great Souls*- Welcome to…
🥁🇲🇾🇮🇳🇺🇸 *
*Guru’s Wisdom*
*Book Release & Duscourse*
*By Satguru Bodinatha Veylanswami*
Venue: *Kalamandapam, Jalan Scott, Brickfields, KL*
On *May 11th 2019 (SATURDAY) @ 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM*
Blessed with the following Events:
*The singing of Sri Lanka’s YogaSwami’s “Nattchinthanai songs” by members of Saiva Siddhantha Thiruchabai”*
*Thirumurai singing, lead by World class Othuvarmurthi C.SIVAKUMAR Aiya from Chidambaram, Tamilnadu together with the Thirumurai training class students of ALAVAI ANNAL DEVARA PANNISAI CLASS(MALAYSIA) on the Auspicious stage.*
*Satguru’s Discourse and Launching of *Guru’s Wisdom*.
Followed by
give away *”Guru’s Wisdom Book”* to *YB WAYTHA MOORTHY , YB GUNARAJAH (ADUN)SENTOSA, VIP’s* and *distribution of this book for Free to the registered Hindu organisations of Malaysia*
*Get the Blessings and collect the FREE Book “KNOW THYSELF” from Satguru*.
*Please forward & come with your family members and friends*
Registered Hindu NGO’s kindly confirm attendance by registering with Aravinthan 0123025643 or Sivajnani 0129259495